It's a great Friday!
I'm linking up with Doodlebugs to share my Five for Friday.
We're still having lots of fun at school, but truth be told, we're all fading. When Kindergarteners begin fading, you know you're in trouble.
Summer! It's so close I feel like I can reach out and grab it!
I'm craving lazy days and oodles of time with my kids, but we're finishing off the year strong. I know I'll miss my kindies like crazy when they leave me, so I'm soaking up their almost first-grader goodness with the time we have left.
1. We're still starting every day by popping our countdown balloons. This week we had a bubble party with the other Kindergarten class, we hung out with bare feet in the classroom, we chewed bubble gum, and we enjoyed some outside reading time.
2. We planted seeds over a week ago and watching them grow has been such a disappointment!! I'm not sure what we did wrong. Maybe the seeds were old??? Only about one third of the class has a sprout. Bummer. :(
On a positive note, next week is Worm Week (LOVE!), so all will be forgotten with these boring old plants.
3. We made these addition ladybugs this week. A fun craftivity to go along with our BIG addition/subtraction review push to finish off the year!
4. We received our last pen pal letter for the year this week. We have been so lucky this year to be class pen pals with two awesome classes. My in real life bestie is a kindergarten teacher in Colorado, and one of my blogging besties teaches Kindergarten in's been so much fun for us to write back and forth and for my students to learn more about these very different places! They were intrigued by the mountains in Colorado and the Spring dust storms in Texas! So much fun!
5. My students completed their final writing assessment this week. This piece goes into their permanent file at school. Both of these sweeties began the school year barely able to write their names. They are going to first grade as writers! So proud of how hard they've worked this year!

My weekend will be filled with baseball, planting flowers, and getting Memory Books put together! Bring it on! Hope yours is awesome as well!