This week's TPT Seller Challenge is to share our TPT dreams. This one is tricky for me because, if I'm honest, one thing I've learned time and time again in my life is that my own plans and dreams always pale in comparison to the things God allows to happen in my life when I place my trust firmly in Him....and my TPT journey has been no different.
That being said, my dreams looked different when I began selling on TPT 2 1/2 years ago. Today, these are my dreams.
Back when I started TPT, I knew that it would be a learning and growing process, but I didn't realize that the learning and growing would really be the HEART of TPT for me. I have made some money, yes, but nothing like I dreamed I would back when I started. That was hard for me at first. It looks so easy from the outside, but the truth is that joining TPT does not instantly make you a success. Even beginning to blog, or joining Facebook or Instagram....they all start out small. When I first started blogging/selling I never thought it would take me this long to gain followers, and at first I felt disappointed by it. But here's the reality that I've been reminded of so many times in my life....God's way are often different than what we can plan for ourselves. And, always, they are better.
So this is my TPT journey now, and these are my dreams. I want to continue to learn and grow as an educator. Teaching is a part of me! I love it, and I want to continually challenge myself in it. TPT is part of that. I have learned so much since beginning to blog and sell on TPT, and I have grown in my craft. I have not grown much in my bank account ;), but I'm realizing more and more all the time that that is okay! I don't post new items often and I try not to take time away from my family to create things. I create as an outlet and as a way to make my own teaching more dynamic. Sometimes my things make their way to TPT, and sometimes they don't.
Knowing what I know now about the time and energy blogging/TPT requires would I sign on again? YES!! In a heartbeat! I have met amazing people and have grown so much as a teacher! And it has been FUN! I love blogging, creating, and building relationships with other passionate teachers. That's the heart of it for me that I didn't dream about in the beginning. Every teacher's journey looks different. I'm thankful that mine has included this online world of support and FUN! My biggest dream moving forward is that I would continue to remember to look for the GOOD in every step of this journey, that I would continue challenging myself, and that my dreams for myself will be in line with the fullness God has for me. His ways are always better and, in the end, I want what He wants for me!