You know those things that you do with your students and just love?? The things that you make time for every week, just because they make you happy? For me, directed drawing is one of those things! And doesn't just make me happy. My students absolutely LOVE this time!
I have directed drawing scheduled for 30 minutes every Friday morning and it is easily one of my favorite parts of our week. Each student has their own box of 64 crayons that they only use during this time, which of course is special and super fun for them. They love getting to use all the colors that they don't have in their pencil boxes. I am not exaggerating when I say that they CHEER for directed drawing time!
I love this time for lots of reasons.
1. The students are SO engaged. You know your kiddos love something when you could hear a pin drop in the classroom. Sometimes I tell students what we'll be drawing and sometimes I don't. It is so much fun to hear them guess what it could be as we go. They really stay equally engaged whether they know what we are drawing or not. Either way, they are completely immersed in this activity every time we do it.
2. It boosts confidence! EVERY child can do this. Even the drawings that are a bit more complex always turn out awesome and adorable! One step at a time, you can draw ANYTHING! The kids are always amazed and PROUD of their finished products.
3. It's a great, indirect way to work on basic shapes that are needed to write letters and numbers. Vertical lines, curved lines, horizontal and diagonal lines, etc.
4. It's also a fun way to practice relational concepts. Above, below, next to, around, etc.
5. It's a chance to TEACH kids the process of drawing. How do you draw a dog? A shark? A person?? Then, they take what they've learned and use it -- during writing time, choice time, and at home.
6. Parents LOVE it too!!! I have received so many positive comments from parents about the beautiful drawings their children complete at school. They are always AMAZED at what their Kindergarten kids can draw. These pieces of art are treasured masterpieces!!
I would not consider myself a gifted artist. At all. But even I can do this. And if I can do it, I know that anyone can do it! The step-by-step directions take things that look challenging, and make them completely doable! For 5 year olds and even for their artistically-challenged teachers. Ha!
I haven't remembered to take pics of every directed drawing we've done, but here are some that we've already completed this school year.
We drew this dog on the first or second week of school. A brand new Kindergarten baby drew this!
Spiders at the beginning of October. We added them to glitter webs.
Pumpkins, also in October. We painted these with watercolors. They turned out beautiful!!
Scarecrows to start November. I love these every year.
A couple of weeks ago we drew these Happy Thanksgiving turkeys! Adorable!!
Each one has it's own personality. Love!
In December, we'll be drawing elves and reindeer.
I have found free directed drawing how-to's by searching Pinterest, but here are two of my favorites that I've purchased:
If you haven't done directed drawings with your students before, I encourage you to give it a try! So much FUN and I know that your kids will love it!!