Monday, December 31, 2012

Write the Room love

Well.......I was hoping to get lots of planning done over Christmas Break.  I was going to spend time at school and get everything in my life organized! Ha!  As usual, I have found so many things to do that are WAY more fun than planning and organizing!  Friends, family, parties, and out-of-town getaways have filled my time instead....and I've loved every minute of it! case you ARE in planning and organizing mode, I wanted to share one of my students' most favorite activities, and something that my TPT store is quickly filling up with!  I am constantly creating new Write the Room activities because my students loooooove them!  Something about getting to use a clipboard to search the room on their own keeps them so engaged and excited about writing and working on new vocabulary.  Win-win for everyone!!

I have a couple of freebies that you might want to check out.  I think your students will love them as much as mine do!

Click here to grab the color word freebie and here for the number word freebie!

In an effort to spread the Write the Room love, the rest of my Write the Room activities will be 20% off until tomorrow at midnight so that you can check them out for yourself!  Head on over to my TPT store by clicking here!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

"Colorful Little Penguins" emergent reader freebie!

I'm making the shift in my mind from "Christmas" to "Winter" as I plan for heading back to school in a couple of weeks.  I've been busy creating literacy and math station activities to get us through January.  January can feel like a looooooong, cold, gray month in Michigan, so I wanted to create something that would help us bring some color in!  I am a lover of hot (HOT!) weather, but I'm up for the challenge of making Winter cute and fun!! 

I have a student this year who LOVES penguins, and I was absolutely thinking of her as I created this emergent reader.  

Click here to grab one for yourself!

PS - Thanks a million for your sweet, encouraging comments on my first-ever post as a teacher-blogger!  You all made my day!  I can't wait to get to know you better!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Hi there!

I can't welcome you with a "Hi Y'all!" like so many of my favorite teacher-bloggers because, well, we just don't talk like that here in Michigan! (Although I kind-of wish we did!)  So, I'll just say "Hi there!".  I'm so glad you're here!  This little ol' blog will be a new adventure for me and I am SO very excited to get to know each one of you!

I'll share a little about myself... I've wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember (except for a brief time when I wanted to be an oceanographer....that one definitely didn't pan out!).  I spent my first year teaching 1st grade in sunny south Florida (no snow days there!!), and have been back in my home state of Michigan ever since.  I am in my 10th year of teaching, and my 9th year of teaching Kindergarten.

Wanna know a secret???  I cried when I got hired to teach Kindergarten.  I wanted 2nd or 3rd grade.  I had no idea what I would do with the little littles!

Silly me!  I love, love, LOVE teaching Kindergarten and can't imagine doing anything that would fit me more perfectly!

I have an amazing hubby and two great kids.  My hubby is a teacher too.  He teaches high school history.  We definitely have some fun dinner conversations about our adventures at school! :)  My son is a Kindergartener himself this year -- WOW, has that been a F-U-N adventure!!!  My daughter is 3 (and a HALF!  That half is VERY important to her!!), and she keeps us on our toes!

As a family, we love traveling, playing games, and having dance parties (well, the hubby usually stays out of those...hee hee).  And me?  I love reality TV, the color green, singing loudly in the car, hazelnut steamers, family traditions, and, of course, polka dots!

I can't wait to get to know you too!  Thanks for stopping by!