Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Hi there!

I can't welcome you with a "Hi Y'all!" like so many of my favorite teacher-bloggers because, well, we just don't talk like that here in Michigan! (Although I kind-of wish we did!)  So, I'll just say "Hi there!".  I'm so glad you're here!  This little ol' blog will be a new adventure for me and I am SO very excited to get to know each one of you!

I'll share a little about myself... I've wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember (except for a brief time when I wanted to be an oceanographer....that one definitely didn't pan out!).  I spent my first year teaching 1st grade in sunny south Florida (no snow days there!!), and have been back in my home state of Michigan ever since.  I am in my 10th year of teaching, and my 9th year of teaching Kindergarten.

Wanna know a secret???  I cried when I got hired to teach Kindergarten.  I wanted 2nd or 3rd grade.  I had no idea what I would do with the little littles!

Silly me!  I love, love, LOVE teaching Kindergarten and can't imagine doing anything that would fit me more perfectly!

I have an amazing hubby and two great kids.  My hubby is a teacher too.  He teaches high school history.  We definitely have some fun dinner conversations about our adventures at school! :)  My son is a Kindergartener himself this year -- WOW, has that been a F-U-N adventure!!!  My daughter is 3 (and a HALF!  That half is VERY important to her!!), and she keeps us on our toes!

As a family, we love traveling, playing games, and having dance parties (well, the hubby usually stays out of those...hee hee).  And me?  I love reality TV, the color green, singing loudly in the car, hazelnut steamers, family traditions, and, of course, polka dots!

I can't wait to get to know you too!  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Welcome to blogging Jill! I hope you love it as much as I do. You have an adorable blog design...I love the polka dots. =)

    Be sure and add a follow button when you get the chance(it is not the follow by email button). Go to design at the top of your blog and then layout. Choose add a gadget and the follow button is the 9th one. I would love to follow you. =)

    Hop over and visit me when you get the chance.

    Heather's Heart

  2. So excited you are blogging!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Can't wait to see where blogging takes you!!

  3. I cried when I got moved to Kindergarten, too! I actually called my mommy and cried. True story. 31 year old man. Crying on the phone to mommy. But it turned out to be the best thing to happen to my teaching career! I can't wait to hear all about your teaching and your classroom! Welcome to the addicting world of teacher blogging!!

    Smedley's Smorgasboard of Kindergarten

  4. Hi Jill! I just landed on your blog and I'm so excited! I started as a first grade teacher as well (for 3 years) and it's my 5th year in Kindergarten. I was reluctant about the change at first but as it turns out, kindergarten is the place for me! I'm a Michigan teacher as well and I share your enthusiasm for polka dots! I'd love for you to stop by sometime. WELCOME TO THE BLOGOSPHERE!


  5. Welcome! I am your newest follower! I have been teaching Kindergarten for 11 years now!! I knew that was what I wanted and haven't looked back! I threaten to quit if they move me! :) Cannot wait to see what you have to offer! I love your blog name. I'm quite addicted to polka dots myself! I hope you will stop by sometime!!!!

    Kindergarten Korner

  6. Welcome to blog world! Love Love Love your blog design! I have been teaching Kindergarten for 12 years and wouldn't leave! I love it! I would love for you to visit me! Happy Holidays! :)
    Crayons and Curls

  7. Welcome, Jill! You'll love Bloggy Land. :) They've tried to take me out of Kindergarten, but it has never worked...good thing to. You are what you teach! I followed you and added you to my blog roll. Please stop my blog and look around.
    The Eagle's Nest

  8. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! Nicole pointed me in your direction! Your blog is adorable and I look forward to being a follower. Have fun!
    ΡΌ Lori
    Teaching With Love and Laughter

  9. Welcome to the bloggy world! Your friend Nicole pointed you out to me - looking forward to reading about things in Michigan! I'm from Illinois originally and my husband laughs when I start adopting the Oklahoma drawl from my co-workers and kiddos, so I definitely feel you on wishing we had a cute way of talking up in the Midwest! Love your polka dots - have you read the book "Polka Dot Fixes Kindergarten"? Its a great first day of K boook that totally goes with your blog design and theme!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

  10. Welcome to the blogging world girlie!!! Glad you made the leap with the rest of us! I can't wait to keep up with you and your kiddos!! Cute blog name too!

    Mrs. Hodge and Her Kindergarten Kids

  11. Jill, you should impressed! My first time reading blogs. I love it, yours is sooo cute! Cannot wait to read more!
