Sunday, January 13, 2013

Pen pals

One of the things we did last week was write a letter to our pen pal class in Aurora, Colorado.  My bestie happens to be a K teacher too, so we decided that it would be so much fun to be pen pals!  We did the same thing during our first year of teaching when we both taught 1st grade.

My students get soooooo excited when this sign.... 

...switches to THIS sign!

 We read the letter that our Antelope Ridge friends mailed to us, and brainstorm ideas about what we want to write back to them.  I take that time to discuss how we can carry on a conversation through letter-writing by answering their questions and asking new questions to them.  This was the last letter we received from our pen pals that we responded to last week.

After our brainstorm session, I put together the shell of our letter.  I make sure to leave enough fill-in spaces that every student will be able to contribute to the letter.  All students sit with a whiteboard and write each of the items as we go.  They love it (the whiteboard and marker completely hooks them!), and I like that they get practice writing letters and sight words in such a fun way. 

And then we get it in the mail and wait for that sign to switch again!

I had an open wall in my room, so I'm using it to display all of the letters from our Colorado friends.  

Does your class have a pen pal class???  


  1. Love the whole-class letter concept! We have had pen pals in the past, but have always done individual letters. That is fun...but time consuming with kinder-writers at times. I love the chart paper, whole class letter idea! I stumbled across your comment on DeeDee Wills blog...and knew I should check you out! I'm your newest follower! I love connecting with other kinder teachers! :) I'm kind of new at this too... and working to grow my blog as well! Blessings to you! Looking forward to sharing ideas!

  2. How FUN! Maybe we can pen pal together next year too?! I've never done it with my kids! {I would love to Skype too, how fun would that be?!}

  3. Can I just tell you how much I L-O-V-E this post! We LOVE being pen pals with you! Can't wait to get a letter from you when we track back on in 2 weeks! :)
