Sunday, February 24, 2013

100th Day Celebration!!

OH. MY!!!

We (finally!) celebrated our 100th day of school last week Wednesday.  It was originally supposed to be several days earlier, but we've had some serious snow days this year and it just kept getting pushed back further and further.  We were all so ready to finally celebrate!!

We had a busy, fun-filled day planned, and there were lots of things that we had to carry into the rest of the week because we couldn't fit them in, but it was such a fun day of celebrating together!

I thought I had snapped a photo of my classroom entrance on the 100th day, but I must have forgotten.  There were streamers hanging down for the students to walk through, and a sign that said "We are 100 days smarter!"

We took some time in the morning to make these 100th day glyphs.  They were fun and look super cute hanging in our classroom now!


While the class was in music, I did a little prep work for our next fun activity!  We had a scavenger hunt through the school to find a special 100th day treat.  We counted by tens to 100 and found the numbers in the hallway.  They led us back to our classroom where there were 100 hidden hershey kisses.  We had to find them all to get the treat!

My teaching partner introduced me to this 100th day activity a couple of years ago, and it is a favorite of my students every year.  We place our hundreds chart on the floor and search for kisses in the classroom.  The students must use walking feet and may only get one candy at a time.  Once they place it on the hundreds chart, they may go to find another one.  This year, I added a number to the bottom of each kiss and the students had to match the number as they placed it on the hundreds chart.

This activity is SO MUCH FUN.  The kids loooooove it!!

94 was the toughest one to find!  But, we found it and the class earned their treat bags!

Click here if you'd like to snag these tags for yourself....file them away for next year!

Lots of fun writing prompts for classroom books...
I would love to have 100 cakes, but I would never want 100 skunks!

 I would love to have 100 dogs, but I would never want 100 dragons!

"100 Years Old" book...these always make me laugh so hard!  LOVE this fun activity!

 This little guy added a wheelchair to his 100 year old drawing.  Ha!

"If I had $100..."

 "100th Day Line-Up"
We ended up doing this activity on Friday because I knew that it would take some time.  We moved all of our tables and chairs out of the way to line up our 100 items on the floor. 

Some of the lines wound themselves back around and still ran out of space!
Once all of the lines were complete, we analyzed our data!

What a super FUN week of celebrating!!  I am so thankful for my sweet Kindies and burst with pride for them when I think of how much they have grown and learned in the last 100 days of school!  I am so blessed to be their teacher!

All of these activities and more can be found in my 100th Day pack on TPT.


  1. Adorable Jill!! I love how your kids lined up their 100 items and compared their lines!!

  2. Yay!! So glad you were finally able to celebrate your 100th day! Looks like it was tons of fun!

  3. Numbers underneath the Hershey kisses- brilliant!!!
