Sunday, February 10, 2013

Love Notes Link Up

I'm linking up with Amy at Literacy and Laughter to share some of my loves!

I thought it would be a fun way to head into this week of LOVE and Valentine's Day!

Name: Jill
Grade I teach: Kindergarten
State: Michigan
Favorite color: green
Favorite subject to teach: writing
Favorite TV shows: Project Runway and Smash
Go-to snack: almonds
Always shopping at: Target and Old Navy

Some of my greatest LOVES???

My family, of course!
John and I were high school sweethearts and have been married for almost 11 years.
Trey is almost 6 and Rowan is almost 4!

I LOVE writing/blogging!  I kept a journal for most of my life, pretty much until I began blogging.  I have had a family blog for several years, and finally began my teaching blog in December!  The teaching blog that I LOVE the most is Rowdy in Room 300!  I don't even remember how I stumbled across Nicole's blog, but I was hooked from the first post I read and I knew that Nicole and I had a lot in common.  Besides being a super fun teacher with lots of awesome ideas, she is an incredibly gracious and selfless person!  She gave me SO MUCH help and encouragement as I started my blog!  Someday I will meet this girl and give her a hug in person!  But for now.....virtual bloggy hugs to you, Nicole!

I love breakfast!  I cannot start my day without a decent breakfast!  My current favorites are 
with berries


 with raisins.

I LOVE quiet mornings, meeting new people, laying in the sun, countdowns to special days, singing in the car, traveling, family traditions, playing games, being with my friends, and so much more!  OH, and I love teaching Kindergarten!

Happy Valentine's week, friends!  Do something you LOVE today!


  1. Happy Valentines week to you Bestie! This is my favorite week to teach all year!

  2. You are so sweet Jill!! Right back at 'ya! You are always so sweet and leave me love on my blog. It really means a lot! Hugs girl!

  3. oh! And I sure do hope we get to meet in real life!! :D

  4. Happy Valentines Day to you! My husband and I are highschool sweethearts, too. We met when we were 15, and we've been married for 23 years now!

  5. Jill, I LOVED reading your post. Where to start ... you family is absolutely ADORABLE!!!! I can't wait to check out your family blog! I reeeeally want to start my own family blog soon! I love all of your loves... games, singing in the car, family, ..... : ) Thank you so much for linking up! I am your newest follower!
