Thursday, March 14, 2013

I feel LUCKY to know you! {freebie!}

St. Patty's Day snuck up on me a bit this year.  Last year, we had the most fun at school -- sneaky leprechaun tricks, green toilet water, special snacks and treats -- but this year, with it falling on Sunday, I just haven't made a big deal about it with my students.  

Back in my first few years of teaching, I would always do an activity near St. Patrick's Day where students would write notes to each other explaining why they are LUCKY to know one another.  I haven't done this in a few years because I lost my original copy and was too lazy to make another one. (Just being honest!)

We've recently started using the term "bucket filling" at my school, and as a class we've been looking for ways to fill each others' "buckets" by saying things that are positive and encouraging, and by treating each other with respect and kindness.  I knew that this activity would be a perfect complement to this program.

Soooo....I whipped up a new page this year.  Finally.  And I'd love to share it with you if you'd like it!

I will choose who each person will write about randomly.  I plan to save these for the memory books I put together for each student at the end of the year. 

Wishing you oodles of St. Patrick's Day fun in your classrooms tomorrow!!

1 comment:

  1. Love your "Lucky to Know You" Note! I'm going to have my kinder-kiddos write these on Monday. :) Thanks a bunch! I'm "lucky to know you!"
