Friday, May 10, 2013

Five for Friday {May 10}

I'm excited to be back, linking up for another Five for Friday with Kacey at Doodlebugs!

This is the first full week I've been back since Spring Break, and BOY was it jam-packed!  Between school and family, I was running around and my mind was spinning all week long!  Anyway, here are my 5 randoms for this week!

1.  I had the best time planning gifts to spoil my kids' teachers this week for teacher appreciation week.  A few years ago, I had a student who brought me a small gift every day of the week.  I thought it was such a special way to be spoiled, so that's what I did for my son's kindergarten teacher this week.  None of the gifts were big, but we had something special for her each day.  I hope they helped to make her feel SO appreciated this week!  This was one of the gifts we sent.

And a reminder that being a K teacher, and having a kindergartener, means that my work is never finished!!  Teacher at school and teacher at home!  My son wrote this sweet letter to his teacher this week.  He really took his time and worked so carefully.  But...look!  Trey!  You MUST begin each sentence with a capital letter!!! :)

2. The town I live in (Holland, MI) has a festival every May that attracts tourists from all over the place!  It's called the Tulip Time festival.  Tulips line the streets of Holland and it is so beautiful!  The weather was perfect this week, so we headed downtown to enjoy the tulips and some junk food as well!

3. Thursday was the BEST day of my week!  I got to spend my day learning from Kim Adsit at her "DI for the Little Guy" seminar.  She is AMAZING and such a master teacher.  I loved her sweet southern accent and her sense of humor.  Awesome, AWESOME!  I felt so silly asking her for a picture, but I just had to!

4. My students' Mother's Day gifts turned out so adorable and they LOVED them!  Heehee!  Thanks for the inspiration, Pinterest! :)

5. We wrote our last letter of the year to our Kindie pen pals in Colorado today. :( 

Only 17 days left!


  1. I just found your blog through Doodlebugs linky party. I love your mothers day gifts. I made the same ones and featured them on my Five for Friday too. Got to love Pinterest! I am your newest follower.


    First Grade A to Z

  2. Hi there! Found your sweet blog from the 5 for Friday linky! You had a great week! And how exciting to meet Kim A. I agree... She is definitely someone I would like to sit down and pick her brain awhile!!
    So happy to be a new follower!
    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe

  3. I would've asked for a picture, too!! Your kids are SO precious! And those Mother's Day gifts- LOVE!!

  4. Love to see you back to blogging!!! Love the Mother's Day gifts too. Maybe I'll have to try those next year!

  5. Hi Jill,
    I found your blog through Kim Adsit's fb page. I met her last week too! I loved her presentation! I'm also a Michigander (and a new follower).
    Funky First Grade Fun
