Friday, June 28, 2013

Five for Friday {June 28}

We just returned home from our big Disney vacay today after driving through the night last night.  I am ready for an early bedtime tonight, but had to join in on Kacey's Five for Friday linky party since I won't have another chance until August!

We had the best time at Disney.  It had been over 10 years since my hubby and I had been there and, of course, our first time with our kids.  PRICELESS is the best word I can think of!  And MAGICAL!  And I know that this photo doesn't show Disney at all, but it was one of the only photos from our trip that I am actually in!  It was taken on our last evening at the Magic Kingdom.  We were waiting in Fantasyland for the chance to meet Belle!  

I wrote detailed posts about each day on my family blog.  Hop over to read more about our trip there!

It was a fabulous trip, but it's always good to be home!

Speaking of road trips, you MUST remember this if you plan to take a road trip with children at some point.  We had an 18-hour drive each way.  On the way down, we drove the whole thing during the day.  You know how kids are in the car.....(actually, I'm the same way)....they ask for snacks.  A lot.  
These were such life-savers!!

I got the idea from Pinterest (of course...).  Here is the original source.

I picked up these bead storage boxes from Hobby Lobby for $1.99 a piece.  And one I got for 40% off.  Cheap!!  I used my Silhouette to cut vinyl and fancy them up.  (Nicole Alderson, did you spot Rowdy Spunky???  LOVE that font!)  Then, I just filled each little compartment with snacks.  A good variety so that they had lots to choose from.  When it was time for a snack, I pulled out their boxes and they chose two sections.  They LOVED it!!  It was my favorite tip of the trip, and I highly recommend it if you'll be travelling with hungry kids!! 

I have to spread a little blog love to one of my favorite teacher-bloggers, Kristen from A Teeny Tiny Teacher.  Do you follow her???  She has the most hilarious recaps of The Bachelorette each week, and has me laughing out loud with every one!  Pop over if you haven't been there before!!
(P.S. -- she doesn't know I exist, but her posts are always a highlight of my week, so she's one of my FIVE this week!  I always love a good blog recommendation!!)

 I've been seriously playing for the past two weeks, so next week it is back to work!  Lots on the to-do list.  Of course there is summer fun to be had next week, but the to-do list is long too!  
This awesome organizer is from Nicole at Rowdy in Room 300.  Click here to grab it for yourself!

By now I KNOW you know that Google Reader will be no more after this weekend!  I was sooooo sad for so long, but finally embraced it and am really liking Bloglovin'!  Click on the button on my sidebar to follow me on Bloglovin' or you can import your current blog favorites from your Google Reader account.  It's so simple and quick!

Happy weekend, friends!!

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>


  1. I LOVE that snack container idea. Thanks for sharing it with us. Sounds like you had a great time in Disney, I can't wait until we can take our little guy there. We're waiting until he's a little older. Have a great weekend.


  2. Love the new look to the blog, love the snacks and adorable fonts on the cases, but what I love the most is that calling me is on your To Do list! Oh, and post a pic of your new deck soon! Can't wait to see it, and your new patio furniture too!
