Monday, July 22, 2013

Monday Made It:: name sticks

I spent all last week on vacation in southern Ohio with my entire family (18 of us).  We stayed at a cabin in the Hocking Hills area.  Who knew that Ohio was so beautiful??!?  Some of the places we saw were just breathtaking!  Caves and waterfalls and was gorgeous and grand!  God is a masterful artist!

Between laundry and unpacking, I completed a fun little project for my classroom over the weekend, so I'm linking up with Tara for Monday Made It!

I have always kept my name sticks in this cup.  I use them to call on students and put together partners, groups, etc.  

A couple of years ago, I came across this photo on Pinterest.

I thought the idea of painting the sticks was so clever and would be a time-saver when I was needing to pull sticks for something.  I had a can of green spray paint already at home, and I decided that I could accomplish the same idea by painting just one end of the sticks.  I did this last year, and it worked great, so I knew that I wanted to do it again for this year's class.

I just set up a piece of plywood that we had in our garage (oh, who am I kidding???  I don't know what plywood is!  I think it's plywood???? Any sturdy surface where the sticks don't move around would work.), like so. 

Cover everything except the end of the stick that you want to paint.

Spray, spray, spray that pretty green (or whatever color makes you happy) onto your sticks!

Let the paint dry, flip them over, and paint the other side.
When you're finished, your husband will probably lecture you about how spray paint kills grass and you really should have been smarter about how you set up your little project so that you wouldn't get any paint on the lawn.  You will nod your head and apologize.  But secretly, you won't believe him and you will watch that area of grass like a hawk over the next few days so that you can prove to him that spray paint doesn't in fact kill grass. (Or does it???)

While my happy little green name sticks were drying, I decided to cut some vinyl to make my cup a little cuter.  Turns out that it made it waaaaay cuter!!  YAY!
(I have been waiting to use that adorable polka dot apple shape.  Love it!) 

Here is the finished product, ready for a new crew of kidlets!  A huge improvement over the boring cup I used last year for sure!

The names go on the opposite end of the stick.  The green ends show students that are waiting for a turn.  Once they have been called, their stick gets flipped.  Then, when I have gone through all of the sticks, I flip them over and start again.  Works great! 

My list for next year is at 24 right now, but I painted 30 just to be on the safe side!  Always smart to have a few extras ready to go just in case!

Head over to Tara's blog to check out what other teachers have been making!!


  1. The Hocking Hills area is gorgeous! I love your name sticks container!
    Fun in ECSE

  2. hahahahhaha! I'm pretty sure my husband has given me the same lecture!! Hilarious! And so smart to paint one end- I got one of Hadar's aprons and was just going to alternate pockets but I like this much better!! And that cup is SO cute!!

  3. Great idea. Your Pick-Me sticks and can look so pretty. :)

    Read With Me ABC

  4. I love your new and improved name stick container! Gonna have to try painting my sticks too. Glad you enjoyed your trip!
    Funky First Grade Fun

  5. The love the can, adorable. Last couple of years, I used a plastic cup - I guess I need to move up.

    The First Grade Princess

  6. Gosh, girl! You are one inspiring lady! You make me want to go spray paint buckets, sticks, stools, grass (just to see what happens) etc. Oh, and I love that you used green. Perfect for you! I'm thinking of using teal blue for mine!

  7. Great idea! I like only having to paint part of the stick. Just started to follow you!


    Third Grade Galore
