Monday, July 8, 2013

My first Monday Made It!

I actually accomplished one of the items on my school to-do list last week, so I'm excited to be able to link up with Tara for my first-ever Monday Made It!

I blogged last week about the pom pom Expo marker idea that I've been wanting to try.  Soooo simple to do, and very clever I think!  I'm hoping that it works well.  If not, it's back to plan B....hubby's old socks!  Ha!

I grabbed my markers and craft pom poms last week when I stopped by my classroom.  I had a bag of assorted pom poms, and picked out the size that I liked best for the ends of my markers.

I also grabbed my hot glue gun.  I have one at school, but not at home.  I use this guy SO MUCH at school!

Here was my work station after I had finished a few.  All set up in front of the TV so that I could watch Say Yes to the Dress while I worked. :)

It took no time at all.  Once I knew that they were all dry and set, I put them back in the tub I brought them home in to deliver back to school.   

We use our Expo markers all the time in my classroom, so I'll be able to tell early in the school year if this works as an eraser solution or not.  My fingers are crossed!   

Head over to Tara's blog to check out lots of other fun Made Its!


  1. These worked so well for me last year! I let my students keep them in their desk. SO much better than tissues, socks, etc! :)
    Teaching is a Hoot

  2. I need to do this. Last year I used socks, but they lost them or stole them...what do you do with a dirty sock?!

    Literacy Spark

  3. Great idea! I just have my kids rub them on the carpet to like a charm! Teaching with Giggles

  4. I saw that on Pinterest & always wanted to do it. You've inspired me to finally do it because they turned out so cute. Let us know how they work long term!

    Until next time,
    Mrs. Z & Company

  5. Hi Jill! I just found your blog and it is wonderful! I love those dry erase marker pompom erasers. What a great idea! I'd love you to stop over to my blog if you get a chance!
    Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together

  6. Hi Jill!!

    I nominated you for the Liebster Award for new bloggers :) Visit my blog for some more information! I love reading your blog.

    One Fab Teacher

  7. AMAZING IDEA! I nominated you for the Liebster Award! Visit my blog for more information! :)

