Friday, September 13, 2013

Five for Friday {September 13}

Happy Friday!

1. It was Brown Bear week for us!  So, so FUN!  I worked on and off all summer long on this Brown Bear pack, and I was excited to use it with my class.

Seeing as we are only in our second week of school, pretty much everything is still being done whole-group.  I introduced a couple of games whole-group this week, and then turned them into free-choice activities for the students to do on their own.  One of them was this Brown Bear graphing activity.  We used pocket dice.  I have a serious love of pocket dice!
We worked as a class to complete this graph.
That same afternoon, the students did the same activity independently.
Look at the sweetness of this boy's work.  Counting and recording the numbers just like we had done earlier.  Love it!

 2. Brown Bear patterns.  Again, done whole-group.  Everything is whole group.  Everything.  E-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g.  My voice is ready for a break!

3. We learned how to partner-read with a Brown Bear student reader.  Oh my, was this sweet!

4. Our first science unit covers the five senses.  Today, we investigated popcorn using each of our senses.  We learned how to be respectful as we investigate like real scientists!

5. I'm finally developing the photos I took of my class for the birthday board.  Each child has a photo like this (just got rid of the sweet face for the blog) that will get posted in the classroom.  They'll be up on Monday!
This is best pic I have of where the photos will be going.  The kids love seeing their photos up on the birthday board.

Happy, happy weekend to you!!


  1. Had to buy the pocket dice!!! Cha ching again from amazon. Sad thing is, all my purchases arrive at my husbands office...
    Smiles Jayne
    Smart Kids
    ABCs of Reading
