Saturday, September 28, 2013

Five for Friday {September 27}

I'm a day late, but I'm linking up with Doodlebugs' Five for Friday to recap my week!

1. The story for my reading curriculum this week was Plaidypus Lost.  
You know how some books just grow on you over time?  This is one of those books for me.  I didn't love it when I first read it a few years ago, but I've grown to really enjoy this story, and the kids always love it.  The skill for this book was SEQUENCE, so completed this page from Kim Adsit's Reading is Fun comprehension pack together.  
This little one's drawings of Plaidypus were so sweet!

2. Literacy Stations are up and running!  I was anxious and feeling unprepared to start this week, but I knew it was time.  I thought that I'd have to take things really slowly and would pull my hair out for the first couple of days getting everyone used to it, but it actually went sooooo smoothly this week!  I remembered right away why I LOVE literacy stations so much.  Head back over to this post if you want to know how I run my lit stations.

3. The Young Fives/Kindergarten team for our district uses a program called Project 64 to focus on things like pencil grip, handwriting, following step-by-step directions, etc.  We use a box of 64 crayons and really celebrate the art of drawing!  It's so fun to see these ideas and skills spill over into their writing!  We are really talking about adding details and telling stories with our drawings right now, so focusing on the details of drawing during Project 64 ties in perfectly!  Check out these dogs we drew last week!  Adorable!

4. We are learning about our five senses in Science.  This week, we went for a walk outside and each student found a treasure to bring back inside with them.  We drew the items, then used magnifying glasses to look for details!

The kids were soooo excited when I introduced the magnifying glasses!  They were ooohing and aaahing.  It was hilarious!
 Science is so fun.  When we finished this page, each student ran back outside to put their "treasure" right back where they found it.  They loved this lesson!

5. We have about 10 minutes of quiet time every afternoon where I turn down the lights and play soft music.  The students can read a book, color a picture, or just rest quietly.  This little guy has fallen asleep a few times.  He is just so sweet wrapped up in his frog towel.  He's just a baby at 4 years old, and gets so sleepy!  I have let him stay sleeping a couple of times, and he'll sleep for over an hour!  Sweet boy!

Hoping I can rest up this weekend too.  YAY for weekends!!


  1. I'm wondering about your cube for the sight word roll. Where did you get it? That would be so awesome to have. Please email me if you can at

  2. I really enjoyed seeing your array of engaging centers. They all look fabulous!

    I couldn't help but notice your "face changing" die. I love them, but not the price, so I ended up making some for less than $2 each. Now I have all I need and no longer have to cut, glue and put together the paper die.

    Granny Goes to School

  3. Jill - OMGsh, I found your blog again. Around a year ago I saw this post with your Kinder's dog pictures & was inspired to learn more about Project 64 - what an amazing thing you did! Thank you for this post - it brought Wendy Anderson-Halperin to CO, at my school - to teach K-2nd teachers all about Project 64!! What a great program it is - I have blogged about it a few times as well & am so excited to have stumbled upon your blog AGAIN, to THANK YOU for has made a big impact in CO :0).
