Friday, October 11, 2013

Five for Friday {October 11}

It's Friday!!  Yippeee!  
I really love my class, but I was very ready for my weekend!

1. Wednesday was a super eventful day in my room -- one of my students flooded our classroom bathroom!  As in...he didn't turn the water off in our teeny-tiny sink, and there was a POOL of water all over the floor in the bathroom that also seeped out to cover a huge area of the floor outside of the bathroom.  Oh. MY!  Talk about a major distraction!  The custodian had to come in with this huge (super LOUD) machine to suck up the water.  And my little flooder had to write her a letter of apology.
 "Dear Mrs. Boeve, I'm sorry I made such a big mess.  Please accept my apology."
He's lucky he's cute. :)

2. 29 days in and we are all feeling more and more confortable all the time.  I love that this girl took off her shoes while she worked the other day.  It shows me that she's comfortable and knows that our classroom is her classroom and that she feels safe to be herself.  She was laying on her belly and kicking her feet around.  Made me smile!

3. We've been working sooooo hard on our writing this year!  I feel like, most years, I have trouble fitting writing in.  I've always loved teaching writing, but this year I look forward to our writer's workshop block more than ever before.  We are moving slowly, but spending time every day.
This week, we worked hard on adding more details to the people we draw.  We talked about how to draw people using ovals (no stick people allowed in our writing!), how to add clothes, and how to draw people from the side.  The kids just soak these mini-lessons in!  And then to see them apply it all to their drawings.....I LOVE it!

4. We also have been working hard on building our writing stamina.  The kids clapped and cheered today when they made it to 13 minutes!  It is so fun to see them working so hard to build their writing muscles!  I'm proud of them!

5. And then....there's this.
My school counselor made it for me because I chatted with her earlier this week about the excessive amount of nose-picking with one of my students this year.  Ha!  Cracked me up!  Teachers, I know you can relate.  There isn't anything worse than when a kid picks their nose and then touches all your stuff!    Enough with the nose-picking already!!

Happy, happy weekend!!!

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