Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Spookley craftivity

You know Spookley, right?  
The adorable square pumpkin who saves the day?
I LOVE this story.  I have read it with my students several times already, and we'll read it more before October ends.

Spookley is too cute to not extend into a craftivity!  My teaching partner has always done cute Spookley stuff in the Fall, but we tweaked a few things this year and came up with something new.  The perfectly imperfect pumpkins are a great jumping off point for discussing the word "unique" (a great vocab word!), and this book is perfect for making text-to-self connections!

Check out our Spookley masterpieces!

I gave each student a sheet of 9x12 orange construction paper and told them that they could cut it into any shape they wanted.  We used brown scraps to make stems and we had an old master copy for the eyes, nose, and mouth that the kids cut out and glued on.  You could have them use construction paper scraps for the face too.  Or if you are artistic, you could draw your own.  I'm not, so I prefer to use the old copy we have filed away. :)

They turned out pretty darn cute, that's for sure!!  A keeper!

If you'd like the extension page or the display sign, click HERE and HERE to snag them from google drive!!


  1. We did a Spookley craftivity this week too! I should have waited for your post though because mine did not turn out THIS cute! I'm adding it to my collection for next year. Love it. :)

  2. I {puffy heart} LOVE Spookley! We're making connections with him next week and I'm definitely doing this activity! I will shout you out lady!! Love it!
