Friday, February 28, 2014

Five for Friday {February 28}

One more snow day and a 2-hour delay this week.  This winter weather is total craziness this year.  It's so hard to believe that tomorrow is March and we are WEEKS away from this snow being gone.  There are just feet and feet and piles and piles.

I'm dreaming of sun, and flip flops, and days at the beach!  
They WILL come back...someday!!!

For now, let's take a look back on this week!  We celebrated our 100th day of school and my daughter's 5th birthday.  
It was a good week!

1. Last Friday I had a planning morning with my teaching partner.  There are just two of us K teachers in my building and I am so THANKFUL that we are the perfect teaching match.  Is there anything better than awesome people to spend your days at work with???

2. Tuesday was {FINALLY!!} our 100th day of school!  My kindies were greeted with streamers and a smile!  They thought it was SO much fun to walk through these streamers all day long!!

 3. 100th day FUN!  This was my first time doing the 100th day snack this way.  This was a hit, for sure!!  
 Everyone kept saying "This is the BEST snack EVER!"  

We also made lines out of 100 things that we had brought from home.
 We compared the lines and analyzed our data.
 The class loved pushing the tables out of the way and having all this space!

Before day 100 we had only played "Race to 50".  On the 100th day I introduced "Race to 100" and they thought it was the best thing ever!

4. Tuesdays are a long special day for me, so I didn't have time to fit everything in that I wanted to.  I don't have any specials at all on Wednesday, so we saved our 100th day glyphs for Wednesday morning.  
 They turned out cute and are hanging in our classroom now.
 Bless these sweet little hearts...
The glyphs, Race to 100, and line-up activity are part of my 100th Day Pack.  CLICK HERE to check it out.

4 1/2.  I'm breaking the rules a bit!  I'm adding a 4 1/2 because I have lots of pictures from our 100th day!  
These pictures are out of order but I am too tired to fix them, so I'm leaving them here. :)  

I posted about this last year too, but I added a new twist this year and the kids ate it up!
On the 100th day of school, I always hide 100 Hersey's Kisses around the classroom for my students to find.  Last year I thought to add numbers to them and have them match them to the numbers on our hundreds chart.  I did that again this year.
 But, this year, I also hid 100 chicks around my room.  Have you heard of the book The Wolf's Chicken Stew?  I read a few weeks ago about someone using that book for the 100th day of school and thought it was just brilliant.  I love that book and never would have thought to use it on the 100th day!  
 Anyway, we searched for chicks first, and then "giant chocolate chips", to match the cookies from the story.
We ended up being four kisses short!  Not sure what happened to them, but I'm thinking they might have found their way home with a sticky-fingered, chocolate-loving boy or girl.  Just a hunch!!

5. The birthday girl!!
Rowan turned 5 on Thursday and we had a snow day!  I really don't want any more snow days this year, but I was thrilled that this snow day allowed me to be home and spend Rowan's whole day with her!
She's a whole hand now!  So fun and a little bit sad at the same time!

Happy weekend!


  1. It looks like you and your students had a lot of fun with the 100th day! I especially like how you did the 100th day snack.
    I love your blog... it looks like you have a lot of great ideas to share. I am your newest follower :)

    Seconds at the Beach

  2. This post made me wish I was little again- so many fun experiences when you're a Kindergartener! :) Glad you had a great week with your school kids and your sweet, Rowie!

  3. What a great post! I loved reading about all of your 100th day activities! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE searching for the chicks and the Hershey Kisses activities...and then placing them on the hundreds chart! SO SMART! I definitely need to do this next year! Thank you for sharing! I am your newest follower! :)

    Beth :)
    A Kindergarten Life For Me

  4. Ah... love this post for many reasons!! I feel the SAME way, my friend!! And your doorway was very fun with all the streamers (although you failed to mention that some loved LICKING them on their way in ;) :) LOL!!). Bring on better weather/more teaching days in March!!
