Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Spring Colors book {FREEBIE}

A mid-week post!  Can you even believe it??!?  I have a few free minutes while my son is at his church choir practice and I wanted to share this book freebie with you!

My teaching partner and I have parent volunteers come every Thursday to pull kids for small group activities.  Last week, we were trying to decide what to have them do, and my partner had the idea of putting together a Spring-y class book for the first day of Spring.  Perfect!!  She came up with the cute wording for the book and I put the page together.
 They turned out really cute!!
 Oh, I am so READY to see green grass, trees, and flowers again!!!
I loved the ideas that some of my students came up with to match their color.
Here is a copy of the blank page.
Maybe it's something you can use too?
CLICK HERE to grab a copy of this page and the cover from Google Drive!

I like to laminate the pages of my class books, punch them, and bind them with metal rings.  I save all the pages to put in my students' memory books at the end of the year.

Please leave me a comment if you grab it!  I'd love to hear from you!

Happy Wednesday!  Temps are supposed to be OUT of the 20's here tomorrow -- I'm so, so excited for Spring!!! :)

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