Saturday, March 15, 2014

St. Patty's Day Fun

I spent a few hours at school today getting ready for next week, so I took a few photos of the St. Patty's Day fun that we've been having at school...and also some that my students will get to enjoy first thing Monday morning!

Each Friday, we meet with our 4th grade Reading Buddies.  Most weeks, the students read together, but this week they helped us with a St. Patrick's Day craftivity.  We had already done our LEPRECHAUN DIRECTED DRAWINGS in the morning, so my students knew all about leprechauns and pots of gold.  We used Corn Pops cereal as the gold to fill our pots and the Kindergarteners got to color their pots however they wanted.  
This little guy is a HUGE University of Michigan fan. :)
 The pot actually came from a Mailbox magazine many, many years ago, but you could use any that you can find.
 Then, I paired it with this fun writing prompt from Nicole's Straight Up Standards for March pack.  The Kindergarteners did the talking and the 4th graders did the writing.
 This little one cracked me up!  I do LOVE my smelly markers!!!!  Ha!

Aaannnddd.....I got everything set up for my students to discover that those pesky leprechauns DID invade our classroom even though we crossed our fingers and hoped that they wouldn't!  Tricky, tricky little trouble-makers!! (My kids go nuts for this every year.  It is seriously the craziest and most fun way to start the day!)

What fun things do you do in your classroom to celebrate St. Patrick's Day???

1 comment:

  1. I love the shamrock notes the leprechauns left! Our leprechauns made a mess of the classroom with footprints all over the place! :)

    Crayons and Whimsy
