Friday, April 11, 2014

Five for Friday {April 11}

Why is it that Spring Break week goes by SO MUCH FASTER than every other week of the school year??!?  Ha!  
I had a wonderful week off, with lots of family time.  It was just what I needed!!  I don't have too much school stuff to share this week, but I just love me a Five for Friday, so here goes!

1. We traveled to Wisconsin Dells for a few days to enjoy the indoor water parks.  We were anxious for a little getaway after the long winter.  The Dells are about a 5 1/2 hour drive from our house.  Two movies and some reading/playing time, and we're there!  The perfect distance to drive with our kids.
Rowan had fun with some Road Trip Bingo on the way. 
2. The weather was awesome!  The skies were blue!  The clouds were big and puffy and my whole family was happy the entire time.  Love!!

 3. The last time we were there, Trey was too short to do many of the bigger slides.  This time, he was JUST tall enough.  He was so adventurous!  And then he wanted me to be adventurous too....which isn't always in my nature, but what I won't do for this kid!  This is what he said my face looked like while we were riding "The Hurricane".  Ha!
 4. You know you're a teacher when your souvenir from vacation is a pack of Scentos markers.  Hee hee. :)  My students will be so excited!
5. A little bit of prep work today for next week.  But, now that I look at it, should it say "Buggy FOR Books" instead of "Buggy OVER Books"???  Oh my.
Anyway, I plan to pair this with some student book recommendations and Doodlebugs' Spring directed drawings.  Look for more on this fun new display next week!

Happy Friday, friends!!


  1. Hi Jill. I'm a kindergarten teacher from Michigan, too, and my break is also winding down today :( I like the Buggy OVER Books-- you could get some little plastic bugs and have them crawling "over" the heading, or the word OVER, or the books themselves :) I'll be thinking of you Monday morning! Kathleen from KidpeopleClassroom

  2. Love Scentos!

  3. I love the road trip bingo! What a great idea! :)

  4. I always love reading about bloggers 5 for friday!
