Friday, April 25, 2014

Five for Friday {April 25}

Here we go!  It's Five for Friday time!!

And...if I can just say...YAY for Friday.  That's all.

Okay!  Let's chat about my week!

1. Earth Day.  We didn't go overboard, but we did do a few fun activities together.  Talking about how to care for the earth tied in perfectly with the unit we just finished in science, so my kids were very engaged as we completed this graph and bubble map together.
 And we illustrated this cute student reader to put in our book bags.
 These activities all came from the "We Save the Earth" pack by Sweet Sounds of Kindergarten.

2. We completed an Earth Day craftivity to replace the bunny display we had up for Easter.  
The students colored the earth (these pages came from our science curriculum).
 Then, they wrote about what they could do to help the earth.  There were so many great (and adorable!) ideas.
 My teacher assistant (high school student that comes two afternoons per week) painted each child's hand to finish off their projects.

3. We began our Fictional writing unit this week.  Oh my, are my kids looooving this unit!  The stories they are writing are so great!
This little girl is writing about a princess.
I lovelovelove Spring Kindergarteners.  They are so confident and smart!  This guy's story is about a frog and a dog.  
And this one?  About the tooth fairy.  Melt me.  She has grown SO much this year!  

4.  My students wrote some really cute sentences about the sun on our Brain Boost this week. 
 The sun is really hot.  I love it.
 The sun is hot and it hides up in the sky. (Another little one who has come SO far!  Such a proud teacher!)

5. These invites went home today!  AND I spilled the beans that we're following up our lunch with a little nail-painting party!  I can't wait to pamper these special girls!!
CLICK HERE to check out my Girls Only lunch from last year!

Have a wonderful weekend, friends!!


  1. I absolutely ADORE the girls only lunch. What a sweet idea! What did you do for your boys lunch?

    1. Hi Amber!

      My boys only lunch will be happening in a few weeks. And I don't really know WHAT special thing to do for them yet!! I have 18 boys this year....and many of them are very busy! They already let me know that nail-painting is not okay with them ;), so I'm still brainstorming. Do you have any ideas??? ;) ;)

      Stay tuned! :)
