Friday, June 20, 2014

Five for Friday {June 20}

It's Friday!  Isn't it funny how, during the school year, we just want our weeks to SPEED UP ALREADY....and now, during the summer, I just need it to SSSLLLOOOWWW DDDOOOWWWNNN.  Seriously.  We're already two weeks into summer!  They have been awesome and relaxing and happy and easy.  Bliss.

Sooooo, here's what we've been up to!

1. My kids' school posted the class lists for next year this week and my daughter was SO excited to get the same Kindergarten teacher that my son had a couple years ago.  We love Mrs. Bos and her elephant-themed classroom.  Rowan wanted to send her a card.  She's practicing how to draw elephants.  She says it's the only animal she's not good at drawing and she wants to master it before September!  Ha!
P.S. -- Do you think the exclamation marks make it obvious that she is too excited for words??!?  As a teacher, though, I would LOVE to get a note like this in the mail!  I know Mrs. Bos will love it too.

 2. Trey has been busy, busy, busy this week with sports camps, birthday parties, and play dates.  Today, Rowan joined me for some errands and I treated her to lunch.  She talked my ear off!  Ha!  But, I absolutely love this time with her.
She asked if we could take a selfie when we got home. :)

 3.  I'm using some creative juices as I plan a Favorite Things party for next week.  Looking forward to a super fun time with some fun friends from work.  Have you hosted one or been to one?  I'm so excited for it!

4. Thank goodness for perler beads!  We LOVE these things at our house!  They keep both kids so busy!  And quiet.  Quiet is a good thing. :)

5. Baseball.  Of course.  It's been such a fun first season of little league for Trey.  Only one more week to go!

Hope you have a fantastic weekend!


  1. Yay for Mrs. Bos! I know you LOVED her! That's so cool that Rowan will have her too! And I can't wait to hear all about your Favorite Things Party! I'm sure it will be so much fun and perfectly planned!
