Friday, August 8, 2014

Five for Friday {August 8}

Happy Friday!

1. Last Saturday I ran the Color Run with some girls from my school.  So. much. fun.
This was my Kindie teaching partner and I after we were blasted with our first color during the run.

2. Rowan is doing two weeks of gymnastics through our local rec program, and she is loving it!  She has come home every day so proud of what she is learning.  I'm excited to go in and watch on her last day next week.

3. I went into school this week to take care of some odds and classroom is so bare!  Lots of work to do before my littles arrive for Kinder Camp in a couple weeks! 
 My supply order had come in, and is it terrible that the item I am most excited about is THIS???!?  I love me some scented markers!!  I've never tried the skinnies before!

 4. I'm still working on my calendar wall update, and I was feeling frustrated by my lack of space with the bulletin board I had.  When I was at school this week, I was brainstorming some ideas and noticed that my bulletin board was attached to the wall with two screws!!  WHAT??!?  I've been in this classroom for more than 10 years and never realized that I could remove this board!  I'm SO excited about the freedom this will give me as I create a new space for my calendar.

5. I spent Rowan's gymnastics sessions this week working on a fun new beginning sounds activity.  It will be posted to TPT soon.  I was inspired by the adorable ice cream cone clip art!!

Three more weeks of summer for me!  Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know they had skinny Mr. Sketch markers! I'm going to have to find some of those!! :)

    Carolina Teacher
