Thursday, August 14, 2014

My favorite back to school purchases!

I'm linking up with my fellow Michigan gal, Kimberly, for a fun linky!
Back to school shopping is so much fun!  I just love planning and preparing for a new year -- continuing things that work well and tweaking things that could be done better.  And, of course, finding inspiration to try brand new things as well!  First day with students is 2 1/2 weeks away, so I am right in the thick of plans and preparations right now!

Here are some of my new classroom favorites!

1.  I actually purchased these last Spring, and I blogged about them once before too.  These were recommended to me by my teaching partner and are the best containers I've found for my classroom.  I LOVE them because they are so neat and organized.  They stack, and the covers are easy for my kindies to get on and off by themselves.  
2. I think of this as a back-to-school purchase because I use Pandora One in my classroom every single day.  I love the instrumental/piano stations for writing time, and I use lots of other stations in my classroom too!  Too many to list!  Pandora One is a must because you don't have to deal with commercials.  This was honestly one of the best things I purchased for school last year.  I love incorporating music into my classroom.  

3. These just came in with my supply order.  Mr. Sketch in a skinny marker?  Yes, please.  I can't wait to use these cuties!

4.  I ordered these lowercase letter beads this year too.  Instead of string, we'll be stringing them onto pipe cleaners.  I think this will make a really fun new literacy station activity.  My own kids loved playing with them on our last visit to my classroom, and that's usually a pretty good sign that my students will love them too! 

5. I just had to include this photo because I think I have a problem with the little metal buckets from the Target dollar spot.  I have SO many and I keep buying more!  They are just so stinkin' adorable!  I have them all around my classroom holding anything and everything.  Love.

These are just a few of the fun new things my students and I will enjoy this year!  Hop on over to Kimberly's blog to check out other fun favorites or link up with your own!

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