Sunday, July 26, 2015

Get to Know Me Linky

Hi there!

Just checking in quickly on this awesome Sunday because I stumbled upon this fun linky and found myself wanting to check out everyone's answers!  It was super quick and lots of fun!  Maybe you'll learn something new about me????

Thanks to The Tatooed Teacher for hosting!!

Head over to join the linky fun!


  1. I think it's awesome that you are teaching in the district that you grew up in! I also LOVE Disney :-)

  2. Definitely jealous that you teach where you grew up. I've always thought I would love teaching in my childhood school district!

    Paiges of Learning

  3. Love your blog name and design! Super cute!!
    All the best,
    Ms. Pretzel's 2nd Grade Bugs

  4. I teach at my school! Love it! and your blog is beautiful!

  5. I teach in the school division I went to too. It makes for interesting school division events, when running into my former teachers. I love your blog design too. It's so happy looking. Did you make it yourself or have a designer create it? I am just starting to get into experimenting with blog design and made my own blog template. I still have lots to learn, but it's fun.

    @ Wiley Teaching.

  6. How neat to teach in the same district that you grew up in! I love your blog and am so glad to have found it through this link up!! We share the same name I don't know very many Jills!!

  7. I love Disney too and have been to many times to count! Just found your blog and love it. I'm a kindergarten teacher as well and have just started following you.

    Curly Q's Chalkboard

  8. I also teach in the District where I grew up! I love the connections with everyone from the past & have taught so many of my friend's children.

  9. My mom taught at the same school her mom (my Mimi) taught at and that she attended. I attended the same elementary school and just assumed I'd teach there too. Unfortunately, I didn't. I moved away, but I've always thought it would have been cool to do so!

    Love your cute blog!

    Primary Polka Dots

  10. You and I have very different answers, but I also talk to myself all the time and live in the state I grew up in! I don't teach in the school district I grew up in though. I'm sure that would be fun!!

    Carlee Van Ness
    The Kindergarten Press

  11. Jill, I love that you teach in the district you grew up in! Thanks for sharing! :)

  12. I just wanted to say hi and to tell you that you have a great blog!
    I also like green and polka dots. :)
