Friday, July 17, 2015

New Blog Design!

Hi friends!  

If you've been around for a while, you've probably noticed my new blog design!  It went live on the blog several weeks ago, but things were a little crazy for me at the time as we finished up my son's baseball season and got ready for our big summer vacation.  Now that we're back home, I wanted to make sure to thank Gabby from Gabby's Classrooms for her help creating this new blog design that I LOVE!  She was so patient with me while we tweaked things and worked to pull together something that matched my vision for what I wanted this place to look like.  

I truly would recommend her HIGHLY if you are looking for someone to help you update your blog design.  She was a delight to work with!!

Click the graphic to visit her blog!


  1. The new design is great! I love the little polka dots at the top!

    Carolina Teacher

  2. LOVE your new design! I hope you are having an awesome summer! I live VERY near southwest MI in Indiana and we have been to Lake MI several times this summer! It is my favorite place to be!
