Friday, January 25, 2013

Five for Friday link-up!

I'm linking up with Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching for her fun "Five for Friday" link-up to share five randoms from my week!

1. I got this great idea from my blogging buddy Nicole last weekend.  Since we had school on MLKJ day on Monday, I made time for it.  I'm so thankful that I did, because the finished products turned out great and were an awesome way to discuss the beauty of ALL skin colors with my Kindies!

 I am the color of vanilla ice cream.

 I am the color of sand.

I am the color of butterscotch.


2. My almost-four-year-old is very into writing words lately.  She asks me for the sounds of words all the time!  While I was making dinner the other night, she wrote this list of farm animals...and a few of her own words too.


3. So HAPPY that a new season of one of my favorites started this week (although I was SAD to see the all-star season end last week).  LOVE Project Runway and Thursday nights!


4. Two snow days this week means that this is the view from our back windows.


5. THIS is what I'll be doing this weekend.  My son counted -- 102 things to cut out to prepare for literacy stations next week.  If you need me, I'll be up to my ears in laminating film!!

Happy weekend!!


  1. Oh my goodness! 2 snow days! I'm jealous. We only got a light dusting last night here in WI. What did you have laminated? I have a bit of lamination to cut out myself this weekend, but no where near as much as you.


  2. Ugh...lamination! :/ I just blogged about it last week! :( If it didn't make everything last longer and look so durned cute, I'd be OVER IT and never use it again! LOL! :)
    I totally loved your MLK activities...I think 'I am the color of butterscotch' was my favorite! :)
    Your four year old is quite the smarty! :) Loved that handwriting! ;) So NEAT! :) I am your newest follower and found you through the Five for Friday linky! :) So glad I got to stop in! I will visit again soon! :)

    Mrs. Russell's Room-First Grade

  3. Oh for a snow day!!! I love the view from your window. There is just something magical about that quiet snow. Thanks for sharing.


  4. I'd bookmarked that lesson to try for next year. Love it!

    I cannot even fathom snow like that! It looks just so pretty to someone still wearing short sleeves to work.

  5. Snow days, that is a lot of snow. Oh my gosh, that is a lot of laminating. My husband usually cuts mine out of me, love him.

    The First Grade Princess

  6. Oh, I am your newest follower, too. Cute blog, love the polka dots.

    The First Grade Princess

  7. Love how your MLKJ kids turned out!! And the snow?! Not jealous! ha! A snow day would be nice... but I want to take it on a 70 degree weather day!
    Rowdy in Room 300
