Thursday, January 24, 2013

Snow Day Freebie!

I'm enjoying another snow day today.  This one was completely unexpected (but still equally appreciated!).  The hubs wasn't quite as lucky today -- his district still had school, which meant that my son was off to school for the day as well.  

I enjoyed a fun mommy-daughter morning at (where else???) my classroom!  I wasn't prepared for this snow day and there were a few things that I wanted to grab.  You know how it goes, though, when you have time in your classroom without your students....the list is a mile long!  Fortunately, Rowan looooves playing in my classroom, so she enjoyed a few hours there with me.  We both loved it.  BUT....girlfriend can make a MESS in no time.

Ta-da!  "Mom!  I made a picnic!" 

What??!?  We have to clean it up????  Ha!

After we left my school, I dropped her off at pre-school so that I could meet up with my son for lunch.  What a treat to get to hang out with him and his Kindergarten friends for a while as they ate today!

Anyway...I did a fun snowflake addition craftivity with my students last week that I have been meaning to post about.  We are working hard on addition, and I wanted to see if the students could apply what we've been learning to create and write out their own number sentences.

In an effort to spread a little snow day love, click here to grab this activity for yourself!
I included "___and___is___." OR "___+___=___" for those of you who would rather have your students fill in the addition sentence.

I hope that you can use this sometime in the next few weeks!

Happy {almost} Friday!!


  1. What a cute idea! Thank you!

    Heather (

  2. Such a fun idea! Thanks for sharing! And yes, lucky you, another snow day! ;)

  3. Oh my word! This little snow addition activity will work perfectly for my kiddos next week. We have really been focusing our energy on addition and this too will be a great tool to see who is getting and who needs to pulled aside for a little more support. Thanks for sharing!

