Monday, January 28, 2013

I crossed my fingers!!

Well, I crossed my fingers that the 100th Day of School wouldn't fall on Valentine's Day worked!  We are home on yet ANOTHER snow day today!  I guess today would actually be considered an ICE day.  We had freezing rain last night which led to a messy, dangerous morning commute.

I actually told my hubby (he's off today too) that I am beginning to miss teaching with all these days at home, but I won't complain about them even for a second because they mean extra snuggle time with my own babies!

ANYWAY....I'm spreading a little love again today!  

I'm sure you've read about the super fun idea of indoor learning-style snowball fights on several teaching blogs this winter.  I read about it on Nicole's blog, and she got the idea from Kristin at "A Teeny Tiny Teacher". 

I have it in my plans for tomorrow since we just finished up our addition chapter last week.  Before we dive into subtraction, I thought that my students would LOVE this activity!  I plan to have addition sentences inside the snowballs (ex. 3+5=___).  We'll toss the snowballs, then each grab one off the floor.  Each student will build their equation using unifix cubes to figure out the answers, and then everyone will share their equation with the class.  We'll record them on this recording page (copied back to back).


I included 24 spaces because I have 24 students.  Hopefully that will work for you too, if you're interested!  Click here to grab a copy for yourself if you'd like!

Happy Monday!


  1. You just received a shout out from your newest follower!!

    Kim ;)

  2. I would love to have you follow my blog. :)

    Kindergarten 365

  3. Snowball fight was a huge success today! My kids had a blast and practiced their addition!
