Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Indoor Snowball Fight!

Oh. my! 

The indoor snowball fight was such a huge success!  We didn't get around to it yesterday (the kids had been out of school for 5 days and we ALL needed some time to ease back into things!), but I made sure to make time for it this morning because I knew that my littles would love it!  It turned out to be a great day for it because it was rainy (yes, warm enough for rain....crazy weather!) and the kids were inside all day.  This was a super fun way to get some energy out and some awesome math review in!

I pretty much only had to say the words "snowball fight" and every boy in my class 1)was completely engaged and 2)thought I was the coolest teacher ever.  

I modeled how we'd be using the unifix cubes to build our addition sentences once our snowball fight was complete, then set the ground rules for throwing snowballs.  No throwing at faces, no running, no screaming (please, pleeeeease no screaming!). Basically, be as responsible and respectful as 5 or 6 year olds can be while you hurl wads of paper at each other!

No doubt I was the most enticing target during the snowball fight.  One student got me, and then they all ganged up on me!  It was actually super, super fun!

After the snowball fight, each student grabbed a snowball and brought it back to their seat.  We opened them and began building our cube towers at the same time!  I have never seen the entire class so excited about addition!  It was awesome!

We grabbed clipboards and headed to the carpet to fill out our recording sheet.  Every student had a chance to share their addition sentence and the cube tower they built.  We worked as a group to figure out the answers for those few who didn't quite get it.  It was an awesome formative assessment!

 I posted this page as a freebie a couple of days ago.  Head over here to grab it.

Bless this sweet little guy.  His pages are filled in upside down 99% of the time.  BUT...his addition sentences look perfect!

And, oh.....isn't there always that one sweet child that you think is keeping up and then you finish and realize that his page looks like this???  

Keeps us humble as teachers!!!  Ha!

A successful snowball fight  (only indoor snowball fights allowed at school, kindies!!!) to keep our day exciting and learning fun!

You totally should try it!


  1. Love this idea for a snowball fight. We had one a few weeks ago revolving around our sight words. The kiddos loved every second of it!


  2. SO FUN!!! My kiddos would love this!! I'm definitely adding this to my plans. Thank you so much for sharing the great idea and explaining your process! Also, I'm glad to see I'm not the oonnlyy one who discovers those pages like the last one you posted. Phew! There's always someone. :) Thanks for sharing, Jill!

  3. I love the snowball fight. Since we never get snow in Southern California this may be the perfect way to get a feeling of winter in our classroom!

    Thank you for sharing!
    Crayons and Whimsy

  4. Looovvvveee! I'm SO going to do this tomorrow! Thanks for the recording sheet! Pinned ya!
    Rowdy in Room 300

  5. This looks so fun! My kiddos would LOVE this! Thanks for sharing!

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I LOVE Kindergarten
