Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Snow Day!

I got the best call this morning at a little after 6:00....school closed due to "inclement weather".  Music to a teacher's ears!  I love my kindies, but with the windchill down near -20 (!) today, I was happy to stay inside!  My hubby's district (which is where my son attends school too) was also closed, so we got an unexpected family day.  I loved every second!

One of the best things about having my hubby home on snow days???  He'll take the kids outside so that I can stay in and bake cookies!  Ha!  It was COLD outside, but that didn't stop my kids from wanting to play in the first real snow of the year.  They didn't last long, but they loved it!

I snuck some quick photos from the deck, then back inside I went!

Between laundry, cleaning, games, books, and a movie with the kids this afternoon, I finally had time today to get my Valentine's Day write the room activity posted to TPT.

I'm also allllllllmost finished with a fun 100th Day pack.  Hopefully I'll be able to post about that in the next couple of days!  Our 100th day isn't until the week of Valentine's Day, but I know lots of schools have it before that.  When is your 100th day?

I'd love to give away this new write the room activity!  Leave a comment and I'll choose one winner tomorrow (Wednesday) evening!


  1. How fun that you were able to have a family day! Your write the room activity looks great! :)

  2. Our 100th day isn't until February 12 (barring anymore snow days)! Looks like your kids had lots of fun!

    A is for Apple B is for Blog

  3. We have our 100th day February 5! Love the write the room activities! Your snow day looked like fun for all.
