Saturday, March 23, 2013

Five for Friday {March 22}

I'm linking up with Kacey over at Doodle Bugs Teaching for another Five for Friday!

1. My son came home from Kindergarten with this last weekend.  Trey O'Sloothaak....adorable!

 2. We ran out of time last week Friday to do our Lucky Charms graph, so we completed it on Monday instead.  The kids always LOVE this....and I must say that I had forgotten just how much I love those little marshmallows too! :)

3. We celebrated our classroom aide's birthday this week.  Several of the kids brought her cards and treats.  It was fun to spoil her a bit and thank her for ALL that she does for us!!

4. Yesterday, we put together our "Important Words for Readers" books.  This book a fun compilation of everything we've been talking about all year, but really focusing on in March.  The students had fun doing some partner reading and building up their confidence so that they could take the books home and share them with their families.  
Academic vocabulary is a big push in my building.  I really want my students to be prepared to use these academic words in their discussions as they finish off the year and move into first grade.    
This book is part of my "Three Cheers for BOOKS!" pack.

5. March is one of my favorite months of the year to teach, because I always invite Mystery Readers into the classroom.  We have had a mystery reader every day this month except one!  Our principal will be our reader one day next week, but every other day was filled by a parent, grandparent, or aunt of my students!  I LOVE seeing the JOY on their faces as they realize that the mystery reader that day is there just for them!  This is the sign that I put on my door to welcome our readers so that they know to stay in the hall until we're ready for them.  Click here to snag the sign to use in your own classroom!  

Three. more. teaching. days. until. Spring. Break.

I think I can....I think I can!


  1. I went looking on Pinterest looking for a St. Patrick's day mask-type-thing like that and couldn't find what I wanted. That is perfect! I love it!

    Thank you for the Mystery Reader sign! I haven't set up mystery readers this year, but I need to!

    Enjoy your weekend!
    Suntans and Lesson Plans

  2. We're hanging in there for Spring Break with you! Three more days!! Have a nice short week!

    :) Tamra and Sarah
    First Grade Buddies

  3. Trey is SO stinkin' cute!! I'm jealous you have Spring Break... LOL (since mine is over) Looks like your kids had great fun this week- love that cut and paste book!!

  4. Hi Jill! I found your blog through the Five for Friday party, and I'm so glad I did! You blog makes my polka dot loving heart really happy :) :) The mystery readers is such a cute idea!! I'm wondering how you "invite" your readers because I would love to do something similar. Thanks so much for sharing!

    Little Miss Primary
