Thursday, March 21, 2013

This week's math stations

Here are my math stations for this week and next week.  Three from my "Three Cheers for BOOKS!" math and literacy pack (We have a major March is Reading Month focus in our classroom right now) and one favorite that I decided to keep around for one more rotation.

"Fill in the Bookworm Blanks"
Here, the students fill in the missing numbers to complete the addition sentences.
(P.S. -- how CUTE are these little DJ Inkers bookworms???)
This activity was a bit tricky for some, and a good challenge for others.  The kiddos that love math, loved the challenge.  Those that find math/addition tricky, struggled a bit and didn't enjoy it as much ;)  At least the bookworms are so cute.  I'm sure they appreciated that. :)
It was actually a great form of formative assessment, and I have put together a small group of students to work on this skill with my para-pro.

"What Comes Before the Book?"
Number order....again, a bit tricky for some.
Students choose a number and write the TWO numbers that come before it.  Most were able to get the hang of this activity quickly, but the whole TWO NUMBERS BEFORE thing was a challenge for some kids.  
If I talked them through it, everyone was able to get it without trouble.  I did make number lines available to some, for added support.

"I Can READ Number Words!"
Students match number words to groups of dots, then record the number words on their page.

 When they finished, I had them read the words to me.  Practice, practice, practice!  Any words that they weren't able to read, I wrote the number next to for them.

"Race to 100"
Who knew that this partner game would be such a hit?!?  Everyone LOVES it!
You can find it in my 100th Day pack.

These stations will bring us to Spring Break, which begins next week Wednesday!  Sooooo ready for that!  Now, if only it would stop snowing and warm up a bit!  Soooooo ready for that too!!


  1. Cute, cute, cute! You start Spring Break on a Wednesday? Is it longer than a week? :) Love you!

  2. I love how Emma made your blog!!!!!
