Friday, March 29, 2013

Five for Friday {March 29}

It's Friday!  Time to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for another Five for Friday.

1. We are learning about the earth in our current science unit.  This has included investigations using earth materials....and magnifying glasses!  There isn't a single child who wouldn't agree that magnifying glasses are so. much. FUN!  And, on this day, the science investigation included sand, soil, pebbles, and water.  
 This sweet little one is the daughter of a good friend (and colleague) of mine.  She's precious!

 2. On Tuesday, the girls in my class and I enjoyed a GIRLS ONLY lunch.  More to come on that, but it was perfectly girly and OH so fun!

3. My Spring Break started Wednesday at 3:45 (to be exact)! :)  I was telling my students all day long on Wednesday that I would be having a dance party at 3:45.  And, as much as I love my 25 cherubs, DANCE I did when those busses rolled away!  
YAY Spring Break!
My son still had school on Thursday, and was able to celebrate his birthday with his class since it falls over Spring Break.  His teacher invited me to come in to help him celebrate, and even gave me some time to read a story and do a fun activity with the class.  I loved every second of seeing my birthday boy in HIS Kindergarten class!

4. And then, this morning, I got to join my other favorite little for the Easter egg hunt at her school.  So thankful for time off to make special mommy memories!

5. With all of the bunny crafts and egg hunting behind us, my mind is ready to center and focus on the reason for this weekend's celebration.  I'm so thankful for my risen Savior!!

Happy Easter, friends!


  1. Those Mommy moments are the best! =) Your blog is sooo cute!! LOVE the polka dots! My sis and I are your newest followers.
    Sister Teachers

  2. I am so glad I found your blog by way of Five for Friday! I LOVE your blog name and the Etsy Easter sign. I am your newest follower:)

    The Resourceful Apple

  3. It is fantastic that you could enjoy those mommy moments. That is hard to do when teaching!

    Enjoy your weekend!

    Suntans and Lesson Plans

  4. Love the girls only lunch! Can't wait to find out more about that! :) And how special that you were able to celebrate Trey at his school AND join Rowie at her Easter egg hunt! Hope you are LOVING your Spring Break! Miss you friend!

  5. Your blog is absolutely ADORABLE! I am obsessed with polka dots & this blog just makes me happy! So glad to have found you through Doodle Bugs - I'm your newest follower!

    Lucky to Be in First

  6. That is so great you could spend the day with your little one on his birthday! :)

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten
