Monday, April 1, 2013

Girls only lunch

A few months ago, a colleague of mine hosted a girls only lunch in her classroom.  She invited only the girls and had a special table set up just for them.  I LOVED the idea so much that I stole it!  Isn't that what all good teachers do??? ;)
Actually, I asked if she minded if I used her idea and, of course, she didn't mind at all.

This is the first year that I've had students at school for lunch.  My previous eight years of teaching Kindergarten, we had a half-day program, so I had close to fifty students each year and no students there for lunch.  
I can't say enough good things about the switch we made this year to full-day K.  I LOVE it for so many reasons...and at the top of my list is the difference it's made in my relationships with my students. Spending all day with them has allowed me to KNOW my students and invest in them so much more!

I was so excited about the idea of having a special boys lunch and a special girls lunch.  Of course, ladies first, so I put together this invite and passed them out to the girls a few days before the big day.

While the girls went to get their lunches from the lunchroom (my cold lunch gals waited in the hall), I quickly set up our special picnic area in an open carpeted space in my classroom.

Each of the girls decorated place cards and I made them each a treat bag to take home.  Just jelly beans, a click pencil, and a fun eraser.  Nothing big, but hopefully a reminder of how much I value them!

 I made some girly cupcakes for a special dessert treat.

We had the best time!  We chatted about clothes, jewelry, and getting our ears pierced!  Such perfectly girly conversation!

The boys will get their turn next month, but this time was just for my girls!  After we had finished eating, one of my sweet girls said "I will remember this day forever!".  They might not remember it forever :), but I do hope that these nine sweeties ALWAYS remember that they are special beyond words!


  1. What a wonderful idea! The girls & their parents will talk about this for years - special memory for all.

  2. So cute, Jill! I love the picnic idea- I'll have to try that next year!!

  3. How adorable is this!! Such a sweet idea! I'm sure many of them will remember it for a long time to come!
