Thursday, August 15, 2013

Thursday giveaway??? Yes, please!!

Hi y'all!
(I'm allowed to say that today since I'm teaming up with some fab Texas bloggers for a fun giveaway.)

You know my friend Nicole from Rowdy in Room 300, right?  If not, you definitely should!  I think she's superhuman with the adorable fonts, products, and crafts that she comes up with...and being a mom and teacher on top of it all...but boy do I just love her to pieces!!  She totally inspires and amazes me!

Anyway, she is giving away this adorable children's book, and was so sweet to invite me to be part of the giveaway too!
You can visit her blog to find out more about the book -- it looks like one that your students will love!  She has a freebie on her blog too that you'll want to hop over and grab!!

In addition to the book, there are a few other fun things that you can win too!

Diandra from The Idea Hub is giving away a few back-to-school items. These look awesome for the beginning of the school year!

And I am giving away my new Brown Bear pack.  I am planning to do a more detailed post about it soon, but this will be in my plans during the first few weeks of school, and I'm so excited about it!

What a FUN little surprise on a Thursday, huh?!?  Someone is going to walk away with some great back-to-school resources.
Enter using the rafflecopter below!

1 comment:

  1. lol! I love your welcome :) Seriously- you are the sweetest!
