Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tour My Classroom Tuesday

I'm joining the fun of Blog Hoppin's Teacher Week again today with a tour of my classroom!

I don't start school for three more weeks, so my classroom is pretty bare bones right now.  I do have a 3-day camp for my Kindies this week, so most of the basics are there, but all of my finishing touches won't be in place until closer to the start of the school year.  My class list is bound to change yet before the year begins, so most things don't have names on them yet.

Even though it's not all finished, I'm happy to show you around and give you a tour of my room!

 We call this our "carpet area".  This is where we do most of our whole-group learning.  The calendar gets set up on the bulletin board in the corner, and this is where my projector and screen are.  

This is my small-group, teacher-directed learning area.  I moved the word wall here last year and have the words on magnets so that kids can remove them from the wall and take them to their seats if they'd like to.  Not sure why I'm missing chairs at this table -- my classroom is missing several chairs right now!  I'd love to get stools for this table eventually.  You can see part of my "reading corner" on the right side of the picture and my teacher desk is to the left.

This hangs right next to my classroom door as a sort of "check in/check out" every day.  For the first part of the year I use first names, then I switch to last names, and then to birthdays.  They set on the table by the door each morning, and my students put them in the chart as they enter the room.  It's a super easy way for me to see who is at school and who isn't.

This is the view from my classroom door toward the front of the room.

And this is the view toward the back of the room.  You can see another table in the corner that I use for small groups.  

Here is my teacher desk area.  I finally cleaned out my filing cabinet and organized the shelves behind my desk last week.  It was long overdue.  I still have a few piles of things needing homes, but it's all SO much neater than it was before!

The view toward the back of the room from the front of the room.

My kitchen area for free choice time.  Always a favorite!

My students are the only ones in the building without lockers in the hall.  I have this coat corner area built into my room.  The door leads right out to the playground.  Sometimes I can't handle the mess in this area, but I really do love the convenience of it.

Thanks so much for visiting!  I'll be posting more pics as I add finishing touches to the room!


  1. Love your polka dot table! :)

  2. I love the table in your kitchen area! Your room looks a lot more put together than mine does right now, and I start in less than two weeks! Eek!! I've got a lot to do, haha!

    Carolina Teacher

  3. Hi Jill,
    I'm in love with your polka dotted table and that bench in your carpet area! Your room looks huge! I skipped the classroom digs posting because my room is not photo friendly yet. :)
    Funky First Grade Fun
