Monday, August 12, 2013

Meet the Teacher Monday

I'm not quite feeling the back-to-school crunch yet, but I am going to join the fun and link up with Blog Hoppin's Teacher Week!  

Today's topic is great because I have learned so many fun things about the bloggers I love to follow.

1. I am married to my high school sweetheart (he played football and I was a cheerleader....a perfect match!) and we have two awesome kids.  Trey is 6 and entering 1st grade.  Rowan is 4 and will be in pre-school this year.  They are very different -- Trey is reserved and a rule-follower while Rowan is strong-willed and unpredictable -- but they are both equally terrified of dogs!  Silly kids.  John and I feel very blessed!

Ummm....must be time for a family photo because I can't find a nice one of all four of us together!

2. I love breakfast and MUST eat a good breakfast before beginning my day.  My favorite thing to eat for breakfast during the school year is oatmeal.  Filling and delicious!

3. I love the beach and hot summer weather!  Our summer in Michigan this year has been a little on the cool side - like mid-70's.  Really nice for being outside, but not exactly beach weather.  I live about 15 minutes from beautiful Lake Michigan, and I'm hoping that we can fit in a couple beach days yet before we head back to school!

4. I'm a reality TV junkie.  I love Survivor, The Amazing Race, Project Runway, The Voice...the list goes on and on!!

5. I love the movie Girls Just want to Have Fun!  I've loved it since I was young, and still watch my old VHS of it from time to time.

6. My favorite children's book author is Kevin Henkes.  My favorite book of his is probably Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse, but I love all of his books!

7.  I don't spend much time reading aside from blogs, teaching-related books, and the occasional People magazine.  BUT...I read 3 fun novels over the summer and I enjoyed them so much.  Maybe someday when I have more time, reading will become one of my favorite hobbies.

8. Gerber daisies are my favorite flower.  They are so bright and cheerful in their bold, fun colors!

9. I don't care for juice or milk, and I don't drink much water is almost always my beverage of choice!  I LOVE a glass of ice-cold water and bring water with me almost everywhere I go!

10.  I am a fast walker and a loud talker.  I love to sing and my favorite color is green.  I'm suuuuper afraid of mice and bats.  I'm easily excitable, but I also like to think that I'm pretty laid back.  And I'm thankful to have 3 more weeks of summer to enjoy!!

Head on over to Blog Hoppin' to learn about other fun bloggers!


  1. I like #10 the best! It sums you up juuuuust right. :) And, yes. You are both laid back and excitable all at the same time. A perfect Kindergarten teacher personality!!

  2. I love Kevin Henkes! He is the best. And I'm super afraid of mice too, but if I ever see one, I try to imagine it's Chrysanthemum or Lilly or Wendell, ha!

    Carolina Teacher

  3. I didn't know you were reading this summer! Fun! I love reading! But haven't had the chance to read since I went to Alabama to visit Kati! But I need to! You've inspired me! I'm gonna hit the library this week! Love every little thing about you friend!
