Friday, October 25, 2013

Five for Friday {October 25}


I have today off because of Parent-Teacher Conferences this week.  I'm so looking forward to some extra time with my kids after lots of time away.

Here's what went on at school this week!  

1. We are wrapping up our first science unit on the 5 senses.  We put our tastebuds to the test on Tuesday!  
The kids LOVED this fun activity!  
 We worked together to figure out the four tastes - salty, sweet, sour, and bitter.  The cocoa powder was so funny!  It smells great and the students were excited to taste it, but's SO bitter!  And, of course, lemon faces are pretty funny too!  I had my camera out during this activity to catch their expressions...priceless!!
 This sheet comes from Kindergarten Smiles' "Our Five Senses" unit found HERE.  I tweaked it a bit and turned the spicy taste into bitter.
Science is SO MUCH FUN in Kindergarten!!

2. We were all smiles on Wednesday when I read the students the notes that their parents left them at conferences.  Some parents ran out of time or missed the table, so I wrote a few myself.  Such a fun way to encourage these kiddos who are working so hard!  
 You can see the post I wrote about everything that was on the hallway table by clicking HERE.

3. We are so lucky to have two pen pals this year from two parts of the country!  We've had two letters waiting, and I had the best intentions of writing both classes back this week, but we only got one letter finished.  This is the sign that I post when a letter arrives in the mail.  It always brings LOTS of excitement!
Colorado friends.....your letter is on it's way!
 Texas friends..... your letter will be mailed out next week!
We LOVE our pen pals!!

4. Our reading curriculum story for this week was Life in an Ocean.
The class loved this non-fiction story.  I had some fun extensions planned, including a class book that we made using these ocean animals...
 BUT...I forgot to take pictures of the finished products!  Look for a post next week about our ocean extensions.

5. This one is not school related, but I had such a fun night with my kids last night with this activity!  We got "BOO'd" on Sunday night -- this is something new to our neighborhood this year and so much fun!  The rules are that once you get Boo'd, you are supposed to BOO two houses within 24 hours...but that just wasn't possible with my crazy schedule this week.  SO....last night we headed to the store, got all the treats we needed, and devised our BOO plan!  My son, Trey, got the job of ringing the doorbell and running away as fast as he could.  Both of our BOO's were successful!  Such a fun memory for the kids!
It got me thinking...this could be so fun at school!  Maybe next year???

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!!

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