Thursday, October 24, 2013

Parent-Teacher Conferences: hallway table

I have had one crazy, busy week....and it's only Thursday evening.  It was Parent-Teacher Conference week, which means that on Monday and Tuesday I taught full days, then had conferences until 9:00 PM both nights.  Wednesday was another full day of teaching and today was a district-wide professional development day.  

Felt like a lot for this girl who is normally IN BED by 9:00 PM. Ha!

Anyway, all is well in the world because I don't have school tomorrow and I get to volunteer in my son's 1st grade class in the afternoon.  
I. can't. wait.

In case you still have P/T conferences coming...but mostly because I want to remember this for next year :), I wanted to share photos of the table that my teaching partner and I set up in the hallway for the parents of our kindies.  I don't have the energy to write about it, so just the photos will have to do.

It is very important to us that we present a united front to parents.  We want them to know that, regardless of the teacher, we work together and we have the same goals!  We also wanted a chance to highlight a few important things and give them a feel for what is still to come this year.
You can grab these "STAR notes" for FREE from my TPT shop HERE
Not quite sure about the link to this partner found it online and whipped up this cute sign!

Do you set up a table for your parents to check out during conferences?  If so, what do you make sure is on it???

1 comment:

  1. How great is that table you set up!?! Such a fun idea! Thanks for sharing the Star note!

    Lucky to Be in First
