Friday, November 15, 2013

Five for Friday {November 15}

It's FRIDAY!!  And BOY did I need it this week!  It's been a crazy week, and I actually was gone from school two days.  Which really makes things so, so much crazier.  I'm so ready for a normal week next week, but I will enjoy my weekend first!

1. We have been enjoying all things November, and we finished up a sweet turkey craft this week.

2. I have a parent volunteer come each Thursday afternoon.  This week, the students worked on Thanksgiving patterns.  They rolled this dice to find out what type of pattern they would have to make.
Then, they chose the pieces they wanted to use to make that pattern.  They turned out cute!

 3. We've begun diving into Academic Vocabulary over the past couple of weeks.  As a school, we dipped our toes in the water last year, but this year have a much more organized approach.  I really enjoy this piece of my week and I LOVE hearing my students use these high-level words in their conversations!

4. Well, if there were ever a day that I NEEDED some quiet time, today was it.  Insert DEAR time this afternoon!  The students got out their book bags and an extra book from the reading corner, and we had five minutes of quiet reading time.  Yes, only five.  But I savored those five.

5. I only had three days at school this week because my son had surgery to remove his gallbladder on Tuesday.  It all went well and he did great....and he was back in school today!  We are so grateful!

Linked up with Doodlebugs!  Head over there to check out other Five for Fridays!


  1. I hope your son keeps getting better. The turkeys ae super cute.

    The First Grade Princess

  2. I'm glad to hear your son's surgery went well!! I'd love to hear more about how you use those academic vocabulary binders.

    Crayons and Whimsy
