Sunday, November 10, 2013

Scarecrow directed drawing

I came across this blog post at Welcome to Room 36 last year with directions for the cutest scarecrow directed drawing.  I knew right away that I wanted to try it with my students and I ended up just LOVING it!  I was so looking forward to doing it again this year.

The students just love step at a time they can draw anything!
Click HERE to head over to Welcome to Room 36 for her step-by-step instructions.

I knew that I wanted to display these in the classroom for the month of November, so I added just a touch of writing to it by having my students complete a sentence, and then I stapled it to the bottom of the page.  I had them think of something they didn't like and would want their scarecrow to scare away.
 I scare away bears.
 I scare away ketchup.
 I scare away tornadoes.
I scare away biting bugs.

I love how each scarecrow has it's own character.  They are so adorable!!  If you'd like to grab the "I scare away..." sentence that I added to the bottom, CLICK HERE to get it from Google Drive.

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