Thursday, January 30, 2014

Brain Boost {Set #2}.....A GIVEAWAY!

I haven't seen my students since last Wednesday.  Over a week ago!  This winter weather has been sooooo crazy.  Snow day after snow day.  I am ready to get back to school and anxious to see my sweet kindies again!

I have been super UNmotivated during all of my days at home, but today I finally hunkered down and completed a task that I've had on my to-do list for a long time.  I updated my first Brain Boost set and completed my second Brain Boost set.

You know those things that you just love using in your classroom?  The things that you look forward to because they are enjoyable and and really feel like a beneficial part of your day?  That's how the Brain Boosts are to me.  I LOVE this time in my week.  My students love it too, which makes it even better.  I love these quick pages because they cover so many different skills and touch on things that are just a bit challenging, even for those kids who seem to be able to do anything and everything.  And, because they hop from skill to skill, they keep everyone engaged.  They become the perfect tool for 
re-teaching and also for adding extra little pieces of info for those kids who are ready and needing more.

I have Brain Boosts in my schedule twice each week.  We complete them at the carpet, on clipboards (another reason the students love them).  This way, I can easily see when everyone is ready to move on and can formatively assess the skills as we work.

You can check out a freebie page by clicking back to THIS POST.

I never really loved the cover or look of my first Brain Boost pack and, after using it this school year, found a few things that I wanted to change.  So, today, I tweaked that first set and re-uploaded it to TPT.  You can check it out by clicking the cover pic below.

And, the second set is finally complete too!  I've been working on it for weeks!  And, actually, have been using pages from it with my class already.  I'm so happy to have it done!!
Click the cover pic to check it out!

Because I love these so much, and think your students will benefit from them too, I'm going to give away one of each set!  Enter the giveaway below....and please cross your fingers that I'll be back at school tomorrow!! :)


  1. I love teaching in math groups about 3 times a week and seeing my kids get excited about them on the days we do it. They are always so disappointed when we don't do it.

  2. We did "contraction surgery" (inspired by Buzzing about Second Grade). Very fun!

  3. This looks like such a fun idea! Would love to use them in my classroom!


  4. I forgot the highlight of my week...I look forward to Reader's Workshop/Daily 5 each day!


  5. I LOVE teaching Writer's Workshop! Thanks for the chance to win!

  6. I love teaching reading skills and literacy centers.

  7. I like working with my students on writing. :)
    lorepuckett at gmail dot com

  8. We love Brain Boosts in my class! :) The first set has worked out great!
