Friday, January 24, 2014

Where are they now? {POM-POM ERASERS}

I love those "Where are they now?" TV specials.  The last one I watched was on all the actors from Full House.  I loved Full House growing up, and now my own kids love watching Full House, which is really a win-win for everyone because my hubby and I have the best time watching it with them.

Anyway, this post is not about Full House.  But it's sort-of like a "Where are they now?" special on one of my Monday Made-Its from last summer.  I knew I was taking a risk when I added pom-poms to the ends of my dry erase markers to use as erasers.  

Here were my markers back in July.  They looked so fresh, and perfect, and adorable.

And here they are in January.  Ummm....not so fresh, perfect, or adorable.
 Some still look great.
 Some are looking a little wonky.
 And some are a resounding WOP-WOP.
I mean, seriously.

Overall, I would say that it hasn't been terrible, but I don't think I'll be doing this again.  
So, I'm back to searching for a good solution.  What do you use as erasers for your student dry-erase markers?  Old socks?  Kleenex?  Fabric or felt scraps?

I'll let you know if I discover my perfect answer!!

 Completely unrelated, but this is what I've been up to lately.  
My son, Trey, had another surgery yesterday.  We sure are getting familiar with the pediatric surgery floor at our local children's hospital!  This is his second surgery in the past three months.  He had his gallbladder removed in November and his spleen removed yesterday.  So, we're enjoying some one-on-one time with our favorite guy in a beautiful hospital room today!  Crossing our fingers that he'll be discharged tomorrow.  He sure is a trooper and we are so proud!  Hoping that this is our LAST trip to the surgical unit for a very long time!!

Another crazy winter storm on the way this afternoon and evening.  What a winter we've had!!  Wishing you a warm and cozy weekend!


  1. Oh goodness! I guess you never know what will happen when the little kiddo fingers get to a fun creation...they were definitely a cute idea! Sending prayers to you & your son!

  2. I have a class set of small Lakeshore erasers. They are wooden with felt on one side. They work great and have lasted YEARS! Definitely worth the investment and then you aren't wasting Kleenex. I used to use socks, but these are so much handier- they take up less space and you don't have to wash them. :)
