Saturday, February 15, 2014

Five for Friday {February 14}

Happy weekend!

YAY for love and hearts and all things valentiney!!  I had so much fun celebrating Valentine's Day with my class yesterday....until about 3:20.  Then the sugar highs and all the lovey-doveyness was all just too much and I was done.  D-O-N-E.  Thankfully, we were this close to the end of the day, so I put on a smile, found a happy place in my mind, and bid them all a very loving farewell as they headed home.

Yay for Valentine's Day!

1. We finished our science unit this week all about MOTION.  We had been working through it for a few weeks now.  We learned words like "force" and "gravity".  The kids love science because it's all so hands on.  And this unit had them doing investigations with balls and bean bags and feathers.  It was all so much fun!  

2. My own kidlets worked hard early this week on their valentines.  Trey wanted Cars and Rowan wanted princesses.  Easy peasy!!

3. Trey's classroom has an owl theme, so I couldn't resist this cute bucket when I saw it at Target a few weeks ago.  I just filled it with some fresh new supplies for his teacher, and of course some chocolate.

4. Our Valentine's Day at school was relaxed and wonderful!  We decorated valentine bags the old-fashioned way in the morning.  They used crayons, markers, and construction paper to add whatever they wanted to their bags!  This kept them busy forever and they all turned out so unique and cute.
 Of course this one completely melted my heart because I encouraged them to add things that they love to their bags, and this sweetie drew a picture of me.  Love.
 These were my valentines for my students this year.
 And my FAVORITE part of the day!  Spreading out, making piles of our valentines, and reading through them all with BIG smiles on our faces!!

5. Quite possibly the biggest news of the week was the addition of this beauty to my life!
Our old text and talk only phones were due for an upgrade.  Those old phones fit what I needed for so long, but it was time to step into the current decade and switch to a smart phone.  And OH MY do I LOVE it!  I have so much to learn.  I just discovered Instagram! Ha!

My Valentine's Day evening at home consisted of leftovers for dinner and going to bed early. :)

Enjoy your weekend!!


  1. I LOVE that little Dawson even got your clothing colors just PERFECT for you!! :D

  2. Very cute teacher gift! Makes me wish I was Trey's teacher. Ha! :) I just started using Instagram too. So many fun things to do, so little time...
    Funky First Grade Fun
