Monday, February 24, 2014

March Mystery Readers

I am gearing up for March in my classroom.  I LOVE March at school because I think the excitement that is built around reading in March is so much fun!!  One of my absolute favorite things to do in March is bring in mystery readers.  My students always looooove this so much!  I look forward to it every year!  

Here is the letter I sent home last week.  If you'd like to do something similar in your classroom, this might give you an idea of how to create your own letter.

I always give parents a few days to send the form back to school and then I put together a schedule for the month (mine is going home to all of the readers tomorrow!).  I also always ask my principal to be a mystery reader for us, and sometimes other teachers too.  

It's so fun to see who signs up to come in.  There are always lots of parents, but I've also had aunts and uncles, family friends, babysitters, and once I even had a pastor!  Every year I get some grandparents too.  And, really, what is cuter than a grandparent reading to the class???  Last year, a sweet grandpa got teary-eyed when he saw his grandson's reaction to him being there.  LOVE!

This is the note that I post on the outside of my classroom door.  I always make sure that my secretary knows that readers will be coming in, and I always have the door closed around the time the readers will be coming.  I learned that the hard way when a parent walked in the room one time several years ago before we were ready!  Totally ruined the surprise!

Before the reader comes, I give clues to the class but I never tell them who will be coming.  That way, the reactions from my students are completely priceless!

When the reader is finished, I take a picture of them with their child and the book(s) they read.  Then, I print a copy for them and write a note on the back to thank them for coming.

I'm pretty sure that I will never get tired of this tradition in my classroom.  It's something I love because it creates such great memories.  If it's not something you've done with your class before, maybe this is your year to start!  Let me know if you have questions about what I do or if you do something with your class in March that is your absolute favorite!  I'd love to get some new ideas!

Hooray for Mystery Readers!

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