Monday, May 19, 2014

Balloon activities -- our last 10 days of school!!

I have 12 days of school left.  It's just crazy and, even though I'm ready for it, I feel like it's snuck up on me a bit!

I wanted to pop in quickly tonight to share a MUST-DO for the end of the school year.  If you have time, this is quick and easy to put together, and SO MUCH FUN for your students!!

I posted last year about our balloon activities.  We popped a balloon each day for the last 10 days of school.  Inside each balloon was a slip of paper with a special activity or treat for that day written on it.

IT WAS THE BEST.  One of the first grade teachers in my building told me that her students are asking if they'll be doing it again this year.  I love love love creating lasting memories for my students.  Love.

In case you want to make this happen for your class, I've included the activities that I will be using this year.  I also included a page of blank frames in case you want to add some of your own activities.  
CLICK HERE to grab this from Google Drive.

How many more days of school for you?  
What are your favorite ways to finish off the year with your class?

1 comment:

  1. I just stuffed my balloons tonight! :) Thanks for sharing! I know my kiddos loved this last year and will again for sure for our last 6 days!
