Friday, May 23, 2014

Five for Friday {May 23}

Hey hey!  Happy Friday!  This week was my last full week of school, and we're still going strong.  We enjoyed some awesome weather this week, and we fit in lots of great learning and lots of fun too.  Let's get started on today's Five for Friday!

1. Tuesday was our Boys Only Lunch.  OH MY were my boys excited!!  They cheered and cheered when I passed out their invitations last week and couldn't wait for Tuesday's lunch to arrive!  
I invited parents and several were able to make it.  They ate lunch and the boys showed their parents all the fun things they do during choice time.  We all had a great time!!

 2. I pulled out some clay for science this week and the students made animals out of clay.  Snails, pigs, camels, and more!  We spent some time discussing similarities and differences between types of animals and this was a fun, hands-on way to explore those things.

3. We always color self-portraits in the first week of school and I display them in the classroom all year.  I took them down this week to pack into the bags I am preparing to send home on the last day of school.  Precious little babies from the beginning of the year!

4. Today marked 10 more days of school for us, so I got to school early to hang our balloons!  
 We popped our first balloon this morning and enjoyed a sidewalk chalk party with our 4th grade reading buddies this afternoon.

5. We completed our "When I grow up..." page for our memory books this week and this little guy just melted me!  When he grows up he wants to be a "teacher like Mrs. Sloothaak".  Love him.

Also BIG news from this daugther graduated from pre-school!  This girl is SO ready for Kindergarten!  So proud of her!!

Enjoy your long weekend, friends!

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