Monday, May 26, 2014

My Summer Top Ten

Hey there, friends!  I have two more weeks before my summer break officially starts, but I am definitely thinking SUMMER...especially after the gorgeous weekend we've had!  I'm linking up with Deanna Jump with ten things I can't wait to do this summer!  

1. My son, Trey, will be finishing up his little league season and I am so excited to watch the rest of his games, and to have his baseball schedule the only thing that makes us feel "busy" in June!

2. I love visiting my town's Farmer's Market on Wednesdays.  Last summer I only made it once or twice and at the end of the summer I wished I had gone more.  This year, I am hoping to go more frequently.  
Also....mid-week grocery shopping!  I am so ready to not have to fight with weekend crowds at the grocery store.  One of my favorite things about summer!!

3. RUN!  I will be doing the Color Run at the beginning of August and I really need to get myself ready for that.  I love going out for a run right away in the morning and I am really looking forward to not having to wake up before 5:00 for that to happen this summer!

4. I can't wait to go on lots and lots (and lots!) of bike rides with my family this summer.  It is something we really love doing together.  We take a bike ride almost every day in the summer.

5. I can't wait to vacation this summer!  We'll be heading to Wisconsin Dells in July, and we're so excited!  We love it there.
We'll also be doing some camping, and my hubby and I are heading to Chicago in July with some friends.  Maybe we'll sneak in another getaway or two as well, just because we can!

6.  BEACH DAYS.  Last summer, we only had one beach day.  I was so disappointed that we didn't go more.  We are so blessed to live only a few minutes from the beautiful beaches of Lake Michigan...I definitely want to get out there more this summer.

7. I am excited to do some reading this summer.  These two are at the top of my list.  One for school, and one just for me.

8. I have some house projects that I hope to get done.  The main one being a built-in/TV cabinet/entertainment center for our main family room.  As you can see, I don't really know exactly what I want to do there yet.....but hoping to figure it out soon!

9. I want to have PLAY DATES for my kids....and for me too!  I love breaking up our summer days by spending time with friends.  It's great for the kids and so fun for me, too, to have some chat time with my mommy friends!  Hoping for lots and lots of park visits, beach days, and backyard playtime with friends this summer.

10. Of course, I have plenty of school projects on my summer to-do list.  I want to re-do my calendar area -- that's at the top of this list!  I also want to work on a few new bulletin board displays and of course organize, file, and prep new things for my new crew!

And isn't THIS the truth?!?
I plan to enjoy every lazy day I can in June, July, and August!  YAY for summer!  8 1/2 more days!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jill! I love the look of your blog! I am going to try to jazz up my blog this summer. My sweet husband wants to do it for me. He definitely knows what he is doing, but I will have to convince him that cuteness is a must besides just clean lines. :-) Have a great summer and I hope you get lots done on your list!!!

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    The Think Aloud Cloud
